Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sweet Pink~ An 8", 6" and 4 to serve approx 30

Fusia! ~ An 8", 6" and 4" that serves approx 30

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wedding Cakes Big or Small

Weddings. Wedding Cakes. Not a priority for every one - especially with today's economy the way its. I have found that in the last two years most of the orders that I have received for wedding Cakes have been for 55 servings or less. Where as in 06 and 07 the majority of my cakes were at least 100 servings or more.

As a result I have tried to adjust to this - create cakes that are still Wedding Cakes but smaller, yet look like your typical two, or three or four tiered cake.

(Amazing enough, in pictures it is hard to tell that these cakes are actually quite small.)
This cake was an 8x8 and 4x4 square, it only served 25 servings and cost $150 (plus flowers, gst and delivery)